Tech Hub

The Tech Hub is Buffalo State's 3D Digital Fabrication Lab and Classroom. We are open to serve the campus community as well as the wider community of Buffalo. Our services include: 3D printing, LASER cutting/etching, vinyl cutting, CNC milling, rendering, 3D scanning, and project consultations. Whatever you are looking to do digitally, our knowledgeable student technicians can consult with you to find solutions, and help you get started with your project using our wide range of digital fabrication resources.

Tech Hub Services

Tech Hub Information


  • The Tech Hub is generally open 35-40 hours per week.
  • Hours fluctuate by semester as we try to work with our technicians' class schedules.
  • We are always closed on University holidays and breaks.

Open Hours Spring 2025

Monday              3 - 6pm
Tuesday              3:30 - 7pm
Wednesday        4:30 - 7pm
Thursday            3:30 - 7pm
Friday                 10am - 5pm
Saturday            Closed
Sunday               Closed

Located in Art & Design (Upton Hall - Room 222)


Lab Help

Questions and inquiries?

Email us at

Find Us on Instagram



File format: To 3D print a model, you must send the TH a Stereolighography file (.stl)
Here is a video detailing how to do this in Rhino:

How to Export an .stl file in Rhino

Your file must be appropriately sized, and be joined/booleaned together.
If there is any problem with the file, we will contact you about fixing it.
*Please Note* that we are not responsible for fixing your files nor are we responsible for scaling issues. If it will fit on the printer we will assume that is how you want it and will print it “as is." It is up to you to be specific about your file - please remember that we will know nothing about your assignment/project - you have to fill us in!

“How long will it take to print ______?”
A very common question. Please keep in mind 3D printing can take a lot of time and is rarely instantaneous . Assuming your file is good, and depending on the complexity a print typically can take between 3-6 hours OR 3-4 days to print, it all depends on the end result you are looking for.

3D Printers
FDM Printers (Fused Deposition Modeling)
Ultimaker 2+:  Build volume: 8.8” x 8.8” x 12”
Ultimaker 3: Dual extrusion, Build volume of 9” x 7.4” x 7.9”
Raise 3D Pro Plus: Our largest FDM printer, Dual extrusion, Build volume of 12” ×12” × 23.8”

PLA -polylactic acid - corn plastic, most common
ABS - Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene, more durable than PLA, high temps
Pink, Red, Green, Magenta, Yellow, Gray, White, Black

SLA/ Resin Printer (Stereolithography)
Form 2
Form 3

Clear resin (most common), Purple castable “Wax” resin, Porcelite (price on request)

Varies - but we will always give an estimate before printing.
PLA - .15 per gram
Purple Wax Resin = .60 per mL
Clear Resin = .30 per mL
+Porcelain Resin = .40 per mL (does not include kiln firing)

No cost to currently enrolled DES 108 and DES 338 students

Our Epilog Laser cutter is capable of cutting and etching almost any organic material just not metal. We are always interested in experimenting with materials. Stop in to see our wide variety of material samples. We have even etched on pasta and pie in the past!

Laser File Setup - *Quick Guide*
File Type: Adobe Illustrator (.ai)
Size: Our Laser is limited to 16” X 12” Max
Anything larger must be cut down and ALL artwork must fit within this size artboard. Please note that it is highly recommended that you bring in extra sample scrap material in order to test laser settings before cutting your actual piece.

To Cut: Any line you would like cut out out a material should be made BLUE with a stroke weight of .001”
To Etch/Engrave: Any shape or line you would like etched should be made BLACK

Please feel free to download and use our Laser Template 
Also take a look at our Laser File Set up Guide 

LASER Materials
Materials that may be laser cut/etched include (but not limit to):

  • Bristol Board
  • Chipboard
  • Corrugated Cardboard
  • Mat Board
  • Drawing / Watercolor/ Vellum /Card Stock
  • Epson Inkjet Paper
  • Iron-on Paper
  • Birch Plywood
  • Craft Plywood (up to 3/8 inch)
  • Basswood Composition
  • Hardboard
  • Acrylic (Poly Methyl MethAcrylate)
  • Plastic Corrugated Board (PolyPropylene)
  • Delrin
  • Mylar PETG (only less than 0.022” thick)
  • PolyEster- lightweight only
  • PolyPropylene-  lightweight only
  • Cotton
  • Industrial Wool
  • Artificial Felt
  • Natural Wool
  • Polyester (cannot contain Vinyl)
  • Leather (bonded or hide; cannot contain Vinyl)
  • Flexible Craft Foam
  • Transparency Film / Acetate
  • Most Fabrics

Variable - student only pays for materials, free if students provide their own material.
No cost to currently enrolled DES 108 and DES 338 students

We currently have 2 different 3D scanners available for use. We recommend making an appointment to come in and scan with a technician. Scanning can take anywhere from half an hour to 3+ hours depending on your object. Please plan accordingly.

Sense Scan - Can easily scans body parts and larger objects
Next Engine- An older machine that can scan small stationary objects

Cost: Free

Vinyl cutting is a service typically used for signage and installations. The signage you see in Upton Hall was done on our vinyl cutter, and it is commonly used for stickers, labeling and exhibition installations.  We have many colors available and all rolls are 24” in width. We charge but the linear foot - so if you would like to use the cutter, it is in your interest to use up all your space and get the most out of your vinyl/ purchase

Vinyl File Setup - Quick Guide
File Type: Adobe Illustrator (.ai)
Size: Our cutter is limited to 24” X 12”+
Your vinyl may be as long as you want, but its width is limited to 24”

-To set up a file for cutting, in Illustrator, select all the artwork or lettering you wish to cut
-Object > Expand Appearance > press OK on the pop up. This will create an outline around your work that will cut. The “Create Outlines” command also works for this.
-Save this Illustrator file and bring it to us

The student/use is responsible for “weeding” their design, or taking away all the vinyl that is not part of their design. Technicians

Colored Vinyl (Adhesive) 24”  -  $2.75/ Linear foot
(includes transfer tape)

We currently have 2 different CNC routers  available for use. We recommend making an appointment to come in and scan with a technician. This kind of cutting  can take anywhere from half an hour to 5+ hours depending on your object. Please plan accordingly as you will be expected to watch or “baby sit”  the machine while it is cutting your piece.

CNC Quick Guide
X Carve
X-Carve Guide
FileType: : .svg file, exported from Rhino or Illustrator
Material Size: 31.5” x 31.5”, maximum height is 2”
Bring your .svg file into Inventatbles online free software to set up your file:

Inventables Easel

Carve Wright
Carve Wright Guide
FileType: .stl file exported from Rhino
Material Size: 14”W x 5”H x 12’L Max *Material Must be at minimum 8 inches longer than intended design* (12’ length is dependent upon weight)

Variable - student only pays for materials, free if students provide their own material.
No cost to currently enrolled DES 108 and Des 338 students

Here in the Tech Hub we offer Keyshot for rendering of 3D models. This is a high end industry standard intuitive program for creating high quality portfolio pieces. If you would like to do some rendering please stop with a 3D file and we can help get you started.

The primary purpose of the lab is to help you learn about digital fabrication technologies through practice.

Our first priority is supporting Buffalo State’s educational programs.

We reserve the right to refuse service - This seldom happens, but usually happens when a user/student insists on impossible outcomes/deadlines. We will always do our best to be accommodating, but we will not for example, model or render your homework for you, we can help and advise you though. Another example would be if a student insisted that they need a large 3D print done within a very short time (like overnight), which would be impossible. If the student persists in their request we may refuse service.

The Tech Hub is NOT responsible for bad grades or missed deadlines. Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance. We will always try to accommodate all jobs, but we can only do so much. In peak usage times like mid term & finals,  please plan ahead. Remember that it MAY take up to 1 - 2 weeks to receive your print, so plan to be done modeling your work 3 week before you need the print.

We will not move you up the list because you waited until the last minute.

**First come, first served**

Individual Projects - We reserve the right to limit ANY Tech Hub service to educational projects only. As such we may limit the scale, quantity, or otherwise bump your projects for those of other students if they aren’t directly related to your education.

In light of new rules and file availabilities, the Tech Hub will promptly refuse any requests to print gun files or other weaponry. The request may be reported to the Dean.

All rules and regulations laid out in the Student Handbook apply in the Tech Hub. We reserve the right to refuse current and future service to users that are verbally/physically abusive to the Tech Hub staff or if they are not respecting the space. The Tech Hub is regarded as a “Safe Space” as such we do not tolerate hate speech or other derogatory slurs - bigotry, racism, misogyny, etc.  Any such incidents will be reported.

Where are you located?
We are located in Upton Hall, Room 222 on the second (ground floor). We are located at the very end of the Northwest hallway. If you are entering from parking lot 1-35 the Lab is right through the double doors,  up the short flight of stairs and immediately on your right (you will see our signage!)

How much will it cost me to print?
Prices are given above for each process. Generally you are only paying for the materials you use. Usually the bigger the thing, the more expensive. Some processes are mor expensive because the material is more pricey. We recommend talking to us about your needs and we can recommend the most economical and logical process for your project. We will always give an estimate before printing.

How long will it take to print/cut?
A VERY common question, nothing in our lab is instantaneous (we wish!) Please keep in mind 3D printing can take a lot of time and is rarely instantaneous . Assuming your file is good, and depending on the complexity a print typically can take between 3-6 hours OR 3-4 days to print, it all depends on the end result you are looking for.

What software do you use in the Lab for 3D modeling?
We use a wide variety of software to process files, but primarily we have 4 different types of software that are available for students in the lab - Adobe Illustrator (LASER cutting), Photoshop (Photo editing), Rhinoceros 6 (3D modeling), and Keyshot 9 (rendering).