Jorg E. Schnier, M.A.

Associate Professor Upton Hall 206B
Office: (716) 878-4828

"The most important raw material for an interior designer is space.

It is the spatial layout that determines the primary effect of an interior situation. Therefore, the careful and creative modulation of space is the core task of every interior designer.

Since this manipulation of space is a matter of both aesthetic and functional consideration, it requires a basic knowledge in many diverse fields, spanning from art history to zoning laws. Nevertheless, the interior designer’s key-qualification is the field of aesthetics. Highly functional interiors are the minimum requirement, yet it is the outstanding aesthetic quality that is the hallmark of an excellent design.

Therefore, the focus of an interior design education is of a dual nature. It has to teach the students a pragmatic selection of basic knowledge and skills in all major areas related to interior design while keeping the strong focus on the aesthetic aspects of the profession."


2016 - 2022 Chair Art & Design Department

2013 - 2016 Chair Design Department

2008 - 2009 German Academic Exchange Service DAAD Grant to teach at the University of Applied Sciences, School of Architecture in Bremen, Germany

2007 Associate Professor the Department of Interior Design at Buffalo State

2006 Co-founder of the Department of Interior Design at Buffalo State

2002 Assistant Professor at the Design Department at Buffalo State

1997 - 2001 Research assistant at the Department of Architecture, Dresden University of Technology, Germany

1997 Dipl. Ing. Architecture, Dresden University of Technology, Germany

1995 Erasmus Exchange Student at the School of Architecture, University of Edinburgh, UK

since 1993 freelance work in architecture and interior design

1993 Dipl. Ing (Fh) Interior Architecture, University of Applied Sciences, Rosenheim, German


Book Chapters

Schnier, J. (2009). Entwurfsstile und Unterrichtsziele von Vitruv bis zum Bauhaus. In: Johannes, R. (Ed.) (2009). Entwerfen. Architektenausbildung in Europa von Vitruv bis Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts: Geschichte - Theorie – Praxis. Hamburg, Junius Verlag.

Schnier, J. (2002). Präzisionsarbeit. Ein Plädoyer für die notwendige Radikalität des kritischen Urteils. In: Conrads, U.; Führ, E. & Gänshirt, C. (Eds.) (2003). Zur Sprache bringen. Kritik der Architekturkritik. Series: Untersuchungen zur Theorie der Architektur. Vol.4 Münster, Waxmann.

Research Papers

Schnier, J (2015). "Between Dust and Decay. The Atmospheric Qualities of Patina." Proceedings of the Archtheo '15 Theory and History Conference in Istanbul, November 2015

Schnier, J. (2011). The Bulger Communication Center at Buffalo State. A building like a superhero. Buffalo Architecture Foundation Building Stories Collection.

Weber, R.; Schnier, J. & Jacobsen, T. (2008). Aesthetics of streetscapes: Influence of fundamental properties on aesthetic judgments of urban space. Perceptual and motor skills. Vol. 106(1), pp. 128-146.

Schnier, J. (2008). Das Schweigen der Häuser. Cloud-Cuckoo-Land. International Journal for Architectural Theory. Vol. 2, December 2008.
Abstract (English):

Full text German:

Schnier, J. (2004) On the interdependency of thinking mode and design strategy. European Association of Architectural Education / Architecture Research Consortiums Council (EAAE/ARCC) conference "Between Research and Practice", Dublin 2 – 5 June 2004.

Schnier, J. (2002). Präzisionsarbeit. Ein Plädoyer für die notwendige Radikalität des kritischen Urteils. Cloud-Cuckoo-Land. International Journal for Architectural Theory. Vol. 2, December 2002.
Abstract (English)

Full text German:

Schnier, J. (2000): Das As im Ärmel des Architekten Cloud-Cuckoo-Land. International Journal for Architectural Theory. Vol. 2, December.
Abstract (English)

Full text German:

Schnier, J. (1999) In welchem Stile sollen wir entwerfen? Cloud-Cuckoo-Land. International Journal for Architectural Theory. Vol. 1, May 1999.
Abstract (English):

Full text German:

Weber, R. & Schnier, J. (1999). Designing Design Exercises. Proceedings 33. European Association of Architectural Education (EAAE) Workshop Conference, Budapest, May 26 - 30, 1999.

Teaching Documentation, student projects featured in:

Lütkemeyer, I.; Mansfeld, U. & Pahl, K-A. (Eds.) (2010) Einblicke #2 Jahrbuch der School of Architecture Bremen, Dresden: TUDpress Verlag der Wissenschaften.

Schnier, J. (2008). Neumarkt Dresden. Studienarbeiten zum Gewandhausareal. Dresden.

Reiman, Ivan (Ed.) (2002) Jahrbuch der Fakultät Architektur. TU Dresden, Dresden University Press.


Schnier, J. (2016). "A Matter of Time. Patina as Interface between Place and Memory" International “Spatiality and Temporality” Symposium Warsaw, Poland, April 2016

Schnier, J. (2015) "Between Dust and Decay. The Atmospheric Qualities of Patina." Proceedings of the Archtheo '15 Theory and History Conference in Istanbul, November 2015 

Schnier, J. (2010). The ineffable beauty of architecture. Problems and potential of communicating architecture through interpretations. Presentation given at the Eurau 10 European Symposium on Research in Architecture and Urban Design 5th edition Naples, June 2010.

Schnier, J. (2009). Identität und Stadt. Presentation at the Urban Planning Symposium „Deutschland zwischen Tradition und Moderne In welchem Stil wollen wir bauen?“ of the Society for the rebuilding of the Historical Neumarkt Dresden.

Schnier, J. (2008). Problems in Interpreting Architecture. Presentation given at the 7th Prague Interpretation Colloquium “Interpreting Architecture”, Academy of the Sciences of the Czech Republic, Institute of Philosophy, June 14 – June 15, 2008

Schnier, J. (2005). Auf der Rückseite des Mondes. Das schöpferische Potential projektiven Denkens. Blind Spot Symposium. Blitz Gallery, Dresden, June, 10th, 2005

Schnier, J, (2005). Salient cross-cultural dimensions in aesthetic judgments of urban streetscapes. Two presentations given at the 6th Biennial Conference on Environmental Psychology September 19 - 21 2005 in Bochum.

Schnier, J. (2004). On the interdependency of thinking mode and design strategy. European Association of Architectural Education / Architecture Research Consortiums Council (EAAE/ARCC) conference "Between Research and Practice", Dublin 2 – 5 June 2004.

Schnier, J. (2003). Muse und Methode. Guest Lecture Series Kunst der Gegenwart at the Academy of Fine Arts, Dresden, January 14th, 2003

Weber, R.; Schnier, J. & Jacobsen, T. (2000) "Aesthetic Properties of Streetscape Perception -The Influence of Spatial - Geometric Properties on Aesthetic Judgments of Urban Space“ Proceedings XVI Congress of the Int. Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA) New York, August 09-12, 2000

Weber, R. & Schnier, J. (1999). Designing Design Exercises. Proceedings 33. European Association of Architectural Education (EAAE) Workshop Conference, Budapest, May 26 - 30, 1999