New York State Teacher Certification Examination (NYSTCE) series
Liberal Arts and Sciences Test (LAST)
Take This Test: Sophomore or beginning of junior year, after completion of most of the basic liberal art and sciences courses (general education classes).
Assessment of Teaching Skills-Written (ATS-W)
There are two versions of the ATS-W: elementary and secondary. (Candidates for K-12 art certificate may select either version and we do not have a recommendation as to which to take.)
Take This Test: AED majors are encouraged to take the ATS-W while enrolled in AED302W. If you do not achieve a passing score, you will then have your student teaching semester to re-take the ATS-W prior to your job search.
Content Specialty Test (CST) - Visual Arts
Take This Test: End of junior year when you have completed the majority of your studios and all art history courses.
Take This Test: This test is conducted during the student teaching experience and involves videotaping one’s teaching and writing a narrative analysis.
Required Workshops and Seminars
Child Abuse Identification*
S.A.V.E (School Anti-Violence Education Workshop)**
Drug and Alcohol Awareness Seminar**
Fire and Arson Safety Seminar**
Harassment, Bullying, and Discrimination Prevention and Intervention Workshop (DASA)**